We have compiled all the mentions, reviews, and coverage we have received in various media outlets, press, and specialized LegalTech blogs.
DETCON 2024. International Congress of Private Detectives SaveTheProof [...]
Read the article on derechopractico.es: "Save The Proof explicado en [...]
Read the news on Crónica Global: "SaveTheProof: un testigo [...]
To read on Crónica Global, click here: Google Account Hacked, [...]
SAVE THE PROOF at LEGALTECHDAY. MADRID 2022 SaveTheProof couldn't miss [...]
Read the news on Crónica Global: Cybersecurity for Everyone: [...]
Our CEO, Eduardo Hervás, a cybersecurity specialist, delivered a [...]
METADATA refers to the need to certify content with [...]
DETCON 2022 International Private Detectives Congress SaveTheProof [...]
Visit to the SavetheProof stand by local authorities from [...]
En el Pasillo del Juzgado (In the Hallway of [...]
How to certify with legal validity on SaveTheProof? It [...]
Choose a day and time to discover how SaveTheProof will change the way you certify content.